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 Downwinders At Risk - Articles: DALLAS CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Dallas Ordinance:

ADOPTED MAY 23rd, 2007

WHEREAS, air pollution is a significant environmental issue that can threaten the health of human beings and impacts the ecological systems of the planet; and

WHEREAS, the primary air pollutants of concern to the Dallas-Fort Worth region (DFW Region) area are nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) (hereinafter, “Air Pollutants”). These emissions of Air Pollutants are released from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, vehicles, construction equipment, power plants, cement kilns and other stationary sources; and

WHEREAS, emissions of green house gases such as CO2 can contribute to climate change. Climate change may cause the Earth's temperature to rise, leading to a variety of environmental concerns such as changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and extinction of a variety of species; and

WHEREAS, emissions of NOx and VOC, when combined in the presence of sunlight, form ground level ozone, which ozone can cause respiratory problems particularly for the young and elderly; and

WHEREAS, the DFW region is classified as a moderate non-attainment area withrespect to the Environmental Protection Agency's eight hour ozone standard of 85 ppb; and

WHEREAS, a State Implementation Plan (SIP) will be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in June of 2007 for the purpose of reducing ozone levels in the DFW region to 85 ppb; and

WHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency allows the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to take credit as part of the weight of evidence for those measures that can't be easily quantified or regulated and could assist in lowering the levels to below 85 ppb; and

WHEREAS, cement kilns make up 43% of all point sources in the DFW region; and

WHEREAS, wet kilns use more energy and have higher emissions rates, including emissions of NOx, than dry kilns; and

WHEREAS, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has proposed a new rule setting the source cap limit for emissions at 1.7 pounds per ton of clinker produced for dry kilns with a compliance date of March 2009; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dallas has become a leader in environmental stewardship for
promoting better air quality and is recognized for its efforts on a national level; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dallas has made significant progress in addressing air quality issues through purchasing of clean vehicles, construction of green buildings, and reductions in energy consumption; and

WHEREAS, the City of Dallas City Council reviewed numerous short and long term measures for consideration at its May 16, 2007 meeting that will encourage reductions in Air Pollutants in the DFW region;

Now, Therefore,

SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to specify the purchase of dry kiln cement as the base bid in City of Dallas bid packages, with an alternative bid for the purchase of cement from a unspecified source and preferential purchasing for bids from a cement kiln with emission rates of 1.7 pounds of NOx per ton of clinker or less.

SECTION 2. That the City Manager will report to the Dallas City Council in nine months on the results of specifying purchase of dry kiln cement and preferential purchasing of cement from cement kilns with emissions rates less than 1.7 pounds of NOx per ton of clinker or less.

SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its
passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Dallas and it is accordingly so resolved.