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 Downwinders At Risk - Articles: Close Enough?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Close Enough?

Fort Worth Star-Telegram
December 3rd, 2006

"Computer modeling indicates that a proposed new state plan to reduce pollution in North Central Texas could fall short of attaining the federal air quality standard for ground-level ozone by 2010. But state officials appear to be banking on a "weight of evidence" rule that would allow the federal EPA to approve the proposed plan if it concludes that it would at least get the region close enough to meeting the standard and further improve air quality.

...the state and region should err on the side of caution and embrace an air quality plan that is aggressive enough to meet the federal ozone standard outright, without counting on a fudge factor such as the EPA's weight of evidence rule.

'Close' might be good enough in horseshoes and hand grenades, but it's not close good enough to ensure easier breathing and better health for the region's residents.

That's why the state plan should include tougher pollution control measures, such as requiring larger reductions in cement kiln and power plant emissions than are called for in the TCEQ proposal."